An originel play by Meirav Gruber

the Death Imprint


Soon on the App Store


Soon on

Google Play

based on a true story


The play takes us on a journey through the playwright's childhood, using parallel universes - one is the reality taking place in the present, where Eva is hospitalised after a suicidal attempt, and the other is in the past, presented as a play within a play where Eva shows us memories of her family’s wounds in a grotesque and surreal way.

The Death Imprint delves into Eva’s complex world as a second-generation child, born into a

legacy of trauma from her mother surviving Libya’s horrors and her father’s Holocaust orphan past. He attributes his abusive behavior to Hitler’s lingering presence, which he believes controls him. Eva’s turbulent journey begins in childhood, when she “inherits” Hitler from her father following his serious injury in a suicide attempt. Hitler offers an agreement - if she hides him in her head, he will save her father in return. And so, Hitler inflames her anger and distances her from her family. As she grows older, her rage increases, leading to a suicide attempt and psychiatric hospitalisation. A compassionate young psychiatrist offers hope, determined to free Eva from Hitler’s grip. Can she sever her deepest, most troubling relationship?


Play by Meirav Gruber

Directed by Sivane Kretchner

Dramaturgy: Orit Gal Lichtenstadt

Composer: Ran Bagno

Set design: Yaara Tzadok

Lighting design : Adi Shimroni

Costumes design: Rossello Shamaria

Choreography: Avi Mazliach

Production: Rotem Suisa

Actors: Gil Weiss, Gal Heuberger,

Dawn Lenny Gabbay, Yadin Gellman,

Meirav Gruber, Amit Hechter,

Pazit Yaron Minkowski, Tomer Glick


“People who want to die, die, dying is easy. Living is a different story.”

Black Right Arrow

Dr Barak and Eva

photo by Rossello Shmaria

Black Right Arrow

Alex and Rosie

photo by Rossello Shmaria

Black Right Arrow

Hitler and Eva

photo by Rossello Shmaria

Black Right Arrow


Eve - The organization of independent creators in the theatre and the performing arts

Ministry of Culture

Rabinovich Foundation

Next shows:

19/10 - 19:00

Habima 4

25/11 -21:00

Habima 4

26.11 - 12:00

Habima 4

27.11 - 20:30
